The Collection


Concerning the

Museal Collection of Public Interest


February 2010; Szeged,



    It is our well founded hope that Shorty a year after the initiation the doors of the Agora

    Cultural centre will open leading to the permanent exhibition of the Information-History Museum Foundation. In down town Szeged, this will be the realization of the thirty five year old dream of Győző Kovács electrical engineer and Dániel Muszka mathematician.

    It is a well known fact that, in the every day life of people, informatics plays an ever increasing role. This is clearly the result of the unprecedented scientific and technological development within the past few decades as well as the fact that we are witnessing that informatics is still at the cutting edge of progress. It is understandable that there is an aspiration that aims to collect and preserve characteristic objects and written memories and make them public properties. For this reason the John Neumann Computer-Science Society and the City of Szeged, with County right, as well as the University of Szeged joined forces with the Foundation to create the above establishment. As the result of this, very soon, this collection will be visible for the general public. According to some experts the Museum will present a collection which is unique in Europe. This short public expose serves as a preliminary news announcement.

                                                                                    Dr. Béla Rácz


                                                                                    President of the Board of Trustees

                                                                             Informatics-History Museum Foundation